It is also from the Rosicrucian perspective that the nature process can be seen as important. “The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz”, when struggled with, can be seen as one of the primary texts in the history of western culture where a path through nature becomes the basis for the forming of a social future. It is the ring of “fratemite, liberte and egalite” which comes out of this initiation. For those interested, and who have not wrestled with this Chymical Marriage, it can be found that a good number of quite modern social forms can be found in this treatise, even if the two initiations of Christian Rosenkreutz occurred centuries before the French Revolution. Such an approach could mean that an initiation, which involves a path through nature, can be of the greatest assistance in coming to serve our present social organism.
The husbandman that we have considered may be thought of as one who can lay a foundation for the associative life. Needed is a thorough relation with the animal kingdom. The orchardist, as depicted here, could be considered as pointing to the domain of social life, where the rights of all have to be tended and worked for. At the same time, the man of the quarry might be viewed as one who has independence and freedom birthed in his bones. The kingdoms of nature are here addressed, all be it in a rather simple form. Human association can be seen as arising from the world of the animal. Human rights arise in relation to the plant world and freedom of the spirit in relation to the mineral kingdom. Such might be musings on life with an effort to consider the being of man as a central figure in nature, reaping the rewards of nature with a potential to create a higher nature in social forms.